Every year, we are pleased to have 900+ children ranging in ages 3-14 years old playing recreational soccer at Cahoon Park each Saturday in the spring and fall. These groups comprise over 100 teams playing six to eight games each season. With a program of this magnitude, we rely on the volunteer efforts of over 200 coaches to get our seasons off the ground. We are grateful for the time and energy these individuals share with our children.
Coaches typically hold one evening practice a week during the rec soccer season (day, time and location to be scheduled at the coaches discretion). Games are held on Saturday mornings starting as early as 8:30 a.m. and typically end by 1:00 p.m. In order to complete the season, there are typically some weeknight games scheduled during the spring and fall seasons and Saturday afternoon games scheduled during the fall season.
Coaches may reference BSC Player Development Curriculum for suggested guidance throughout season. Our Bay Soccer Club training curriculum is overseen by the BSC Directors of Player Development and the BSC Travel Committee.
Additionally, about 100 student referees serve the club to provide order on our fields. Please remember that this program is a developmental ground for these referees, as well as the players. Have patience with these young adults; they are our kids, too. Referee abuse will NOT be tolerated.
For any questions about our rec program, please refer to our FAQ page or email the BSC Rec Commissioner at [email protected].
In the event of inclement weather, please check our website to see if games are ON or OFF. We suggest signing up for our RainedOut text alerts to be texted when games are canceled. Simply text BAYSOCCER to 84483 to receive our text alerts.
Game Dates
Dates may be subject to change.
Game times TBA after teams are determined.
SPRING 2025 |
Game #1 | Sat. 4/12 |
Game #2 | Mon or Tues 4/14 or 4/15 |
Game #3 | Mon or Tues 4/28 or 4/29 |
Game #4
| Sat. 5/3 PICTURE DAY! |
Game #5 | Sat. 5/10 |
Game #6 | Sat. 5/17 PICTURE DAY RAIN DATE! |
Game #7 | Mon or Tues 5/19 or 5/20 |
Game #8 | Sat. 5/31 |
Registration Requirements
Spring soccer registration is open to pre-K (must be 3 years old by April 1) to 8th grade*
Fall soccer registration open to pre-K (must be 3 years old by August 1st) to 1st grade*
*We may need to combine age groups or make an age group co-ed depending on enrollment. If enrollment is too low, an age group may be eliminated.
To determine which age group to register your child for, please review our age group chart. Additionally, parents and/or guardians must adhere to the Spectator Code of Conduct at all practices and games.
How to register:
- Have all medical information handy such as allergies, doctors, insurance card and emergency contacts.
- Log in or Register (create an account in the upper right corner of this website.
- If Registering, you will create an account and username: we recommend only one account/username per family. It will ask for two e-mail addresses for notifications per account.
- Add each child: “Add Participant” to the system.
- Register for the program: Select “REC Program” for your child(ren). The system should list only the eligible ages groups based on your child’s birth date. Your child may be moved if he or she is registered for an incorrect age group.
- Volunteer: We always need coaches! When prompted, please “volunteer” for a coaching role during this process. All coaches must complete this information in addition to your children’s registration. You will be prompted for your information.
- Make a payment: Online credit card payments are accepted.
- Once you have completed this process you will receive an acknowledgment e-mail.
- If you have any questions, please email [email protected]