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Bay Soccer Club

Rec Program

Rec Program Rules


Bay Soccer Club rules, as well as our insurance policy, prohibit the participation of any unregistered / non-rostered players.   It is the coach's responsibility to play only eligible players. Rosters may be reviewed during the season and violations will result in the forfeiture of games.


All players must wear shin guards, uniform shirt, and cleats. Shoes must remain tied. A substitute uniform shirt of a similar color will only be acceptable if approved by the referee. Please contact the Recreation Commissioners if you need additional uniforms. Goalies must wear a different color jersey from the rest of their team. No players shall, during any game, wear jewelry (including rings and earrings), barrettes (hard plastic or metal), or watches. All casts or other foreign objects must be inspected and approved by the referee and / or the Recreation Commissioners, Director of Referees, or President prior to the start of the game. Note: Medical ID and Religious jewelry is permitted if taped to the player to avoid injury to themselves or fellow players. ADA and medical exemptions may be approved.

Playing Time

All players must be afforded an equal amount of participation unless there is a specific request for less. All rostered players should participate or play a minimum of one half (1/2) but no one player should play more than three fourths (3/4) of any game unless the team is without an adequate number of substitutes. Players should be encouraged to try all positions. No one player should take all throw-ins, goal, corner or penalty kicks.

Four Goal Differentials

For all teams U6 and older there is a 4 Goal Differential Rule which states that once a team’s score exceeds their opponent’s score by 4 or more goals, the leading team must play with at least one less player than their opponent’s team. It is recommended that the team behind add an additional player to the field to achieve this differential. The coach behind in goals will be asked by the referee to determine whether he/she will add a player to the field otherwise the leading team may have to remove a player. This adjustment will remain in effect until the score differential is reduced to fewer than 4 goals. Further adjustments are not required and may only be initiated by the leading team. It is encouraged that with each successive goal by the leading team, an additional player should be added to the team behind. If the teams have already been downsized because of insufficient players, the team behind should always add a player, when possible, until the goal differential is reduced to less than 4 goals. Remember, this rule for reduction may not produce or result in a forfeit.

Number of Players and Other Game Details:

The home team will supply the game ball.



Ball Size

Length of Game

 Alternative Game Length 


Official Format

Alternative Format

4 Goal Differential



Size 3

8 minute quarters

 16 minute halves


4 v 4

5 v 5




Size 3

8 minute quarters

 16 minute halves


4 v 4

5 v 5




Size 3

10 minute quarters

 20 minute halves


4 v 4

5 v 5




Size 4

10 minute quarters

 20 minute halves


5 v 5

5 v 5




Size 4

10 minute quarters

 20 minute halves


5 v 5

6 v 6



2nd & 3rd

Size 4

25 minute halves



7 v 7

6 v 6 or 8 v 8



4th & 5th

Size 4

25 minute halves



7 v 7

6 v 6 or 8 v 8



6th, 7th, & 8th

Size 5

25 minute halves



9 v 9

11 v 11 or fewer



Miscellaneous Coaching Duties

Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their players. If a player is acting in a manner that does not adhere to the standards of a Bay Recreational Soccer player, the coach is expected to remove the player and discuss appropriate behavior. Coaches may alert any BSC Commissioner of issues with other coaches or observers. If no referee is available for your game, the coaches may referee the game cooperatively or an assistant coach may need to referee that game.

Rules of Soccer

Sports Engine's Rules of Soccer Summary

For a quick run-down about the rules of soccer applied in our games, please visit this article for more information


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