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Bay Soccer Club

Rec Coaches

Rec Coaches

Coaches may reference BSC Player Development Curriculum for suggested guidance throughout season. Our Bay Soccer Club training curriculum is overseen by the BSC Directors of Player Development and the BSC Travel Committee. Please contact the Coaching Director or Bay Rec Soccer Commissioners for additional questions. 

We require the following trainings/screenings for our coaches.

These four trainings are required by law and/or for our insurance policy which covers coaches in case of an incident with players. They must be completed prior to the start of the season.

1 and 2. Background Check and Safe Soccer Training (completed yearly)

The Ohio Soccer Association is a non-profit organization that helps promote soccer and assist soccer clubs around the state with the development of their programs. We are a member organization, and OSA provides risk management training for our coaches at no cost to you through their Demosphere Platform. You will get your background check and complete the Safe Soccer Training through OSA, but will be required to provide personal information. Bay Soccer Club does not have access to this information as it is done through our third-party partner.  BSC will pay for your background check and training; you should not be required to pay any additional amount. Click here to access the Demosphere Platform to complete the training. If you have any technical issues with the platform, please contact Jen Fickett at OSA.

More information about these programs can be found on the OSA website. Safe Soccer - Ohio Soccer Association (

3. Concussion Certification (completed every three years)

  1. Go to:
  2. Follow the instructions
  3. This is FREE and takes about 20 minutes
  4. Print your certificate and email a copy to [email protected]

4. Lindsay's Law (completed yearly)

  1. Go to Ohio Department of Health:
  2. Read the information and watch the video

Practice locations

Here is a list of locations where our teams may be practicing.  Select your practice location based on your day and time needs and convenience for you and your teams. Remember that there are well over 100 Rec and Travel teams all trying to practice at these locations, so please share the field space as needed if there is more than one team present:

Cahoon Park
Nature Center
Huntington Beach Park
Bradley Park

Additional practice areas with restrictions:

Walker Road Fields are shared use with Avon Lake. They are available for us to use on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Please do not schedule practices at Walker Road on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.

Bradley Park fields are shared use with Bay Lacrosse in the Spring season. We can only use them on SUNDAYS. Please do not schedule practices at Bradley Park on any other day.

Please refer to the Fields page for details on official BSC field locations.

Travel Coaches

Travel Coaches

Coaches may reference BSC Player Development Curriculum for suggested guidance throughout season. Our Bay Soccer Club training curriculum is overseen by the BSC Directors of Player Development and the BSC Travel Committee. 

Our Travel teams are coached and managed by volunteer parents. In addition to committed head and assistant coaches helping with practices and on the sidelines, age group coordinators help with communication and coordinating practices/other activities for their entire age group. You are encouraged to contact the boys or girls travel commissioner if you are interested in volunteering to coach or to be an age group coordinator.  

Our travel coaches (as well as our players) are carded through US Club Soccer. To obtain a card, travel coaches will need to submit to the BSC Registrar:

1) Contact info and picture:

  • name
  • home address
  • phone
  • email (same address used for the background check)
  • picture for staff card (selfie is fine)

2) Concussion certificate

Below is the link for the Concussion Course:

3) Background check confirmation number and date

Below is the link to use for the Background Checks:

On the first line, click for staff background check.

On the next page that comes up, you will need to scroll down the page to the bottom and fill in the 3 boxes.

Select the club you are applying for.

  • First, select the State  -  OHIO
  • Club, scroll down and choose  -  8708 - Bay Soccer Club (they are in alphabetical order)
  • Registration type  -  fill in if you are a Coach, Asst Coach, Manager, etc

Fill in the application with your information! That is it…should take you less than 5 minutes!

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